[kokua-dev] Management of RLVa implementation.

Nicky Perian nickyperian at yahoo.com
Fri Feb 21 12:16:28 PST 2014

To ward off possible major upstream merge conflicts I have set mercurial bookmarks Kokua-RLVa and Kokua. These work sort of like git named branches.
http://mercurial.selenic.com/wiki/Bookmarks/ explains bookmarks.

Key point is bookmarks at first have to be pulled with separate commands.

Following is copied from https://bitbucket.org/NickyP/kokua/overview

There are Bookmarks added to allow Kokua-RLVa implementation to be easily moved into and out of play.
Use hg incoming -B // display bookmarks that are on server but not on local.
hg pull -u //update local
hg pull -B Kokua-RLVa //Put the Bookmark in place
hg pull -B Kokua // Put the Bookmark in place
hg update Kokua // update without RLVa
hg update Kokua-RLVa // update with RLVa in play
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